
Some nice words I’ (5)




Is it theologically precise to say that the christian hearts become the dwelling place of the Holy Trinity? Of course, it is precise, only if the doctrine of the Holy Trinity has its truly right meaning. As it is known, with His incarnation, the Son and Word of God, meaning the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, has not only the divine, but also the human nature. Thus, if anyone who says that the hearts of the Christians become a dwelling place of the Holy Trinity, he ignores the human nature of the Lord and he gives a meaning only to the divine nature, which is not precise to say.

It is wrong, because the Divinity dwells exclusively only in Jesus Christ, as St. Paul the Apostle says  «  for inhim dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily»(Col.2,9).Besides, Lord Himself said,<<  If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him » (John 14,23).Obviously this last phrase means Himself, too. His self is not only God, but also human.

The absolutely precise opinion to say is that the hearts of the christians, become Jesus Christ's dwelling place, as St. Paul the Apostle says  « The Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love » (Eph.3,17).Thus, it is not wrong to say that the hearts of the Christians  become a dwelling place of the Holy Trinity, since Jesus Christ is meant as God and human, of course, according to the words of St. Paul the Apostle above  «  for inhim  dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily ». Nobody can have God in his heart, unless he lets Jesus Christ live in his heart, because God is not sepatared from Jesus Christ. Only the enemies of the Christ want this separation, without a success as it refered in the second chapter of the Psalms  «  Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision » (Ps.2,3-4).

It is impossible for someone to have God in his heart, unless he loves Jesus Christ,because « If any man love not Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema » (1 Cor.16,12).However,who else would dare to think in such a hurry and carelessly that he loves Jesus Christ when He says, « He that hath my commandment, and keepeth them, he is that loveth me: and he that loveth  me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him » (John 14,21)?

But even, when this word of the Lord  « and will manifest myself to him » becomes reality in someone's heart, is it possible for him not to want Jesus Christ's appearance and want the appearance of the Holy Trinity and not to understand that the Holy Trinity is within Jesus Christ? Is it possible for him to ignore what the Christ answered to Philip when this disciple asked Him « Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us >> (John 14,8)? The Lord answered « Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me Phillip? he hath seen me, hath seen my Father, and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in my Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me » (John 14,9-11).

Well if the believer, the faithful says « Even so, come Lord Jesus » (Rev.22,20),then, since Jesus Christ is in his heart, it (I mean his heart) will become a dwelling place of the Holy Trinity. However, if his heart wants to become a dwelling place of the Holy Trinity without Jesus Christ, then he is mistaken, because the Lord said  « I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture » (John 10,9).



1. When and where, there was slavery, the slave could not do anything by himself in order to be released. But if he was informed that there is someone able to release him, of course he would like  to meet Him . What can release man from the sin of the slavery and error, is the Word of Christ that leads to the knowledge of the Truth. All you have to do is to stay faithful to His Word to meet the Truth and this will set you free!

2. When a man is trapped under the ruins, his hope is the rescuers. When someone is shipwrecked at the ocean, his hope is an helicopter. When somebody is condemned to death, his hope is the Grace of God. When someone has been poisoned, his hope is the antidote. When everybody is tired because of the heavy load of the sin, his hope is the Christ who was crossed for the sins of people.

3. A Christian who is interested for the inferior, while his destiny is the superior, reminds us that coal man who, while they were taking him to be a  king, he, on the way, each time he saw  big trees, he said: they are very good for coals.

4. Is it possible for someone who falls as he is walking, to say, let me stay down after all i can fall again?  Of course no. Therefore in the same way, anyone who falls in sins, shouldn’t say, i won’t go to the spiritual father for my sins, after all i can fall again.

5. The devil has nothing good to offer to man, so he diverts him to worship the beautiful creatures of God, and not God himself.

6. Many people have confessed their sins even in public where they can't even get the due forgiveness. Others don't confess to a spiritual father who has the authority from Christ himself to announce forgiveness. What a pity!! Could they know what injustice they do to themselves, in what a big danger they leave themselves, and what relief they deprive their conscious.

7. The most dangerous lie by which the devil deceives the careless is to make them believe that he doesn’t exist. Therefore, they take his evil signs to be their own wisdom.

8. Whoever leans only on his own abilities and not on God is like one who leans with his hands on a rotten walking stick.

9. When one is buried under rubble, one's hope is the rescue team. When one is a castaway in the open sea, one's hope is the helicopter. When one is sentenced to the death penalty, one's hope is mercy. When one is poisoned, one's hope is the antidote. When the entire world is burdened with the heavy load of sin, their hope is Jesus Christ who carries the world's sin.

10. Is the phrase positive action accepted theologically?  Not  exactly  because, if  it  remains positive action  is the best from  the negative, but  Theology  in most  cases holds  Godly  actions .Apostle  Paul write concerning,<>(Philippians.2,13). But why  therefore  some  thing  which  is positive, is  not  called Godly, after  all  is coming  from  God? In  other  words,<>(James. 



Committing suicide  is  a big  sin  and  its  different  from  all types  of  murdering . The one who   commits   suicide    has    the  a ability,  if  he feels like, some   times he regrets.  But  the  murderer , doesn’t  leave space  for  him self  to regret.  The  one  who has killed or murdered  some one, in thinking  but  in many cases  practically, the murdered  has the  powers or  ability to defend  him self  by actions on  words. But the suicide  because he him self  is the  killer  of him self,  he  is  not  like  the  murdered one.  Now  if we  come  to  as  to why  some   one commit  suicide, the fact  is that  there  are  many reasons   and  different  conditions/circumstances. Some one  can  commit  suicide  from  disappointment  in  love, others from  financial  disorders, others from psychological illness, others not to force  him self to reveal  the secrets  of  his  country or  nation, others  may chose  death  so that   without  caring of  what  God  will say or do  after  the  death  of  different  way  above. For  others  which  are  not  mentioned,  only  that  one  knows.The fact  is  that,  God as the judge , will  not judge  any one  wrongly  and  whatever  he will do will be  the truth . The person  is  not  allowed  to put  an  end for  his life, because it  belongs  to God but not him  self. Suicide  is a  result  of   over thinking / neglecting  of some one  or  not believing  in God, Yet  the holy spirit  doesn’t  neglect  any  one . But comfort, request. 



It is a known fact that when a conscientious Christian senses that he has committed a sin, he can be rid of it by means of the Spiritual Father's prayer of absolution that will be read to him.

However, if a sin has a certain underlying passion as its cause, it does not mean that along with the sin that was forgiven by the Spiritual Father's prayer, the underlying passion has also been eradicated and gone away, and that the person has thereafter become unimpassioned and perfected.

Thus, in all probability that person will again commit the same sin, because of that underlying passion that he has. Of course it is not our intention to enumerate the ways that passions can be eradicated - when the 1st Antiphon of the 4th Tone says: "From my youth, many sins besiege me; but You, my Saviour, understand this and save me."

Let us only mention here that a passion may not depart immediately, the way a sin does with the Spiritual Father's prayer, but it definitely does weaken, even if slowly, when the struggling Christian resorts to the appropriate spiritual weapons. To give an idea of this gradual weakening of passions, let us present a simplified example: In olden times, a certain well-meaning man had ended up an animal thief. Stealing animals had become his passion. When he became acquainted with a Spiritual Father and confessed his sins and the passion that he had, the elder helped him to cut the habit gradually, because he had discerned that it would not be possible to cut it at once.

So, before leaving, he said: "Could you please do me a favour and not steal any horses from now on?"  "Yes" he replied, "that will be easy". And he indeed stopped stealing horses. The next time he went for confession to the Spiritual Father, he again asked him before leaving: "Could you please do me a favour and not steal any goats from now on?"

"Yes" he replied, "although that will be tough, I will do as you say".

And he now stopped stealing goats. After going to confession again and again in the same manner, the Spiritual Father eventually minimized the kinds of animals that the man was accustomed to stealing. So, one day he went to the Spiritual Father, and full of joy said to him:"Father, now all that's left is chickens!"



A woman facing a serious medical condition was, abruptly and without much consideration, told by an acquaintance the words of the Apostle Paul. "Whom the Lord loves He chastens." He did not tell her, however, the words preceding that phrase nor the ones that follow, in which God's paternal love becomes apparent, especially at the moment of temptation. While his intention was to give her strength and support her, the woman, who was in great suffering at that moment, heard these words, did not understand their meaning and imagined God as a punisher. Because of that, in an equally abrupt and unthinking manner as her acquaintance, she asked, "of all the people in the world, why did God have to love me?" It is therefore important to consider the manner in which one speaks, even when spreading the words of God

By John Dimos



Translated by Angela B.


Αγιον Ορος

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