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Έφηβη μουσουλμάνα λιθοβολήθηκε για τη συμμετοχή της σε καλλιστεία,

Έφηβη μουσουλμάνα λιθοβολήθηκε

για τη συμμετοχή της σε καλλιστεία

Τα “πολυπολιτισμένα” υπάνθρωπα καθάρματα λιθοβόλησαν κορίτσι στην Ουκρανία γιατί …παραβίασε την Σαρία! Φτιάξε Τζαμί Καμίνη!

Η είδηση στα Ελληνικά από το crimesonair και στα Αγγλικά από την Daily Mail με περισσότερες πληροφορίες και την ατέλειωτη λίστα θυμάτων του ισλαμοφασιστικού μίσους.

Μια έφηβη μουσουλμάνα δολοφονήθηκε δια λιθοβολισμού κατά το “νόμο της Σαρία”, μετά από τη συμμετοχή της σε διαγωνισμό ομορφιάς στην Ουκρανία. Ανάμεσα στους υπόπτους για τη δολοφονία της και ένας 16άχρονος.

Η 19άχρονη Κάτια Κόρεν βρέθηκε θαμμένη σ’ ένα δάσος κοντά στο σπίτι της στην Κριμαία της Ουκρανίας, μία βδομάδα μετά τη θανάτωσή της.

Φίλοι της είπαν ότι της άρεσε να φοράει μοντέρνα ρούχα και είχε έρθει έβδομη σε έναν διαγωνισμό ομορφιάς.

Η αστυνομία έχει ξεκινήσει έρευνα για τη δολοφονία της και αναζητεί μετά από μαρτυρίες τρεις νεαρούς μουσουλμάνους, οι οποίοι, υποψιάζονται οι αρχές, ότι τη σκότωσαν επειδή “παρέβη” τους νόμους του Ισλάμ.

Ενας από τους τρεις υπόπτους είναι ένας 16χρονος, ο οποίος συνελήφθη και είπε στην αστυνομία πως η Κάτια είχε «παραβιάσει τους νόμους της Σαρία». Επίσης ο νεαρός κατέθεσε πως δεν μετανιώνει για το θάνατό της.

Katya Koren was attacked after taking part in a beauty contest

which her friends said angered hardline Muslims

Just waiting for the apologists to say ~ oh no stoning have nothing to do with Islam!!

A waste of life.

A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under ‘Sharia law’ after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine.

Katya Koren, 19, was found dead in a village in the Crimea region near her home.

Friends said she liked wearing fashionable clothes and had come seventh in a beauty contest.

Murdered: Katya Koren was attacked after taking part in a beauty contest which her friends said angered hardline Muslims

Her battered body was buried in a forest and was found a week after she disappeared.

Police have opened a murder investigation and are looking into claims that three Muslim youths killed her, claiming her death was justified under Islam.

One of the three – named as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev – is under arrest and told police that Katya had ‘violated the laws of Sharia’. Gaziev has said he has no regrets about her death.

Stoning is a divisive subject among Muslims, with some groups interpreting it as Islamic law and others disagreeing.

According to Amnesty International’s annual report on death sentences worldwide, issued in April, there were no reports of judicial executions carried out by stoning in 2010.

Rural: Katya Koren lived in the Crimea region of the Ukraine where her body was found buried in woodland

However, new death sentences by stoning were reportedly imposed in Iran, the Bauchi state of Nigeria and Pakistan.

At least 10 women and four men remained under sentence of death by stoning at the end of the year in Iran, where adultery is the only crime which carries that penalty under Sharia law.

It was widely imposed as a sentence in the years following the 1979 Islamic revolution, and even though Iran’s judiciary still regularly hands down such sentences, they are now often converted to other punishments.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was

sentenced to death by stoning for adultery

The barbaric practice was thrown into the international spotlight last year when an Iranian woman, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery after suffering years of abuse at the hands of her drug addict husband.

Miss Ashtiani’s lawyer said she was allegedly beaten and sold for sex by opium-addict Ebrahim Ghaderzade, who she is accused of killing.

She was jailed for ten years for murder and sentenced to death for adultery. She was also convicted of having illicit relations for which she received 99 lashes.

The Iranian authorities eventually suspended the stoning after an outcry from the international community.

The European Union has called the sentence ‘barbaric’, the Vatican pleaded for clemency and Brazil, which has tried to intervene in Iran’s stand-off with the West over its nuclear programme, offered Miss Ashtiani asylum.

A number of celebrities, including Robert Redford, Robert De Niro and Sting called for her release in an open letter to the Iranian regime, backed by more than 80 actors, artists, musicians, academics and politicians.


China (1,000s)

Iran (252+)

North Korea (60+)

Yemen (53+)

Vietnam (46+)

United States of America (46)

Saudi Arabia, Singapore (27+)

Libya (18+)

Syria (17+)

Bangladesh (9+)

Somalia (8+)

Sudan (6+)

The Palestinian Authority (5)

Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Taiwan (4)

Belarus, Japan (2)

Iraq, Malaysia (1+)

Bahrain, Botswana (1)

Source: Amnesty International, Death Sentences and Executions 2010

Key: Where the ‘+’ symbol is used, the figure is understood to be higher

United States of America (46)

Saudi Arabia, Singapore (27+)

Libya (18+)

Syria (17+)

Bangladesh (9+)

Somalia (8+)

Sudan (6+)

The Palestinian Authority (5)

Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Taiwan (4)

Belarus, Japan (2)

Iraq, Malaysia (1+)

Bahrain, Botswana (1)

Source: Amnesty International, Death Sentences and Executions 2010

Key: Where the ‘+’ symbol is used, the figure is understood to be higher

Saudi Arabia, Singapore (27+)

Libya (18+)

Syria (17+)

Bangladesh (9+)

Somalia (8+)

Sudan (6+)

The Palestinian Authority (5)

Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Taiwan (4)

Belarus, Japan (2)

Iraq, Malaysia (1+)

Bahrain, Botswana (1)

Source: Amnesty International, Death Sentences and Executions 2010

Key: Where the ‘+’ symbol is used, the figure is understood to be higher

Syria (17+)

Bangladesh (9+)

Somalia (8+)

Sudan (6+)

The Palestinian Authority (5)

Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Taiwan (4)

Belarus, Japan (2)

Iraq, Malaysia (1+)

Bahrain, Botswana (1)

Source: Amnesty International, Death Sentences and Executions 2010

Key: Where the ‘+’ symbol is used, the figure is understood to be higher

Somalia (8+)

Sudan (6+)

The Palestinian Authority (5)

Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Taiwan (4)

Belarus, Japan (2)

Iraq, Malaysia (1+)

Bahrain, Botswana (1)

Source: Amnesty International, Death Sentences and Executions 2010

Key: Where the ‘+’ symbol is used, the figure is understood to be higher

When Carla Bruni, the French First Lady, prominently gave her support to the 43-year-old mother-of-two, Iran responded by launching two scathing attacks on Miss Bruni, branding her an adulteress with a ‘vastly immoral lifestyle’.

Last week Amnesty international called for ‘clarification’ on the legal status of a jailed lawyer who represented Miss Ashtiani, Javid Houtan Kiyan.

It issued a statement that read: ‘If – as appears – he is held solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression, including in connection with his work as a defence lawyer on behalf of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, he should be released immediately and unconditionally.

‘The allegations that he has been tortured while in detention should be investigated immediately and anyone found responsible for abuses brought to justice.’

The Islamic republic says the death penalty is essential to maintain law and order and is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.

Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are all punishable by death in Iran.

In March, Iran hanged a woman convicted of murdering a love rival.

Shahla Jahed, 40, had been a ‘temporary wife’ of Nasser Mohammad Khani, a former striker for the Iranian national football team.

The execution was thought to be the 146th so far this year. At least 270 people were executed in 2009.

Daily Mail

Πηγή: http://olympia.gr/2011/06/02/%cf%84%ce%b1-%cf%80%ce%bf%ce%bb%cf%85%cf%80%ce%bf%ce%bb%ce%b9%cf%84%ce%b9%cf%83%ce%bc%ce%ad%ce%bd%ce%b1-%cf%85%cf%80%ce%ac%ce%bd%ce%b8%cf%81%cf%89%cf%80%ce%b1-%ce%ba%ce%b1%ce%b8%ce%ac%cf%81%ce%bc/


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